Lung Screening, Tobacco, and Health Lab
The Lung Screening, Tobacco, and Health (LSTH) research lab conducts behavioral research focused on three broad areas: 1) Leveraging the lung cancer screening and oncology settings that serve as teachable moments for smoking cessation and relapse prevention, 2) Developing and evaluating clinic-based interventions to promote the adoption of evidence-based lung cancer screening referrals, and 3) Conducting EHR modifications that help to promote the equitable provision of lung cancer screening and tobacco treatment at MedStar Health.
We work on government- and foundation-funded research studies involving lung cancer screening and smoking cessation interventions among people with cancer or at high risk for cancer. We have opportunities for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral fellows. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at lunghealth@georgetown.edu or use the Contact Us form.
Our team is part of the Cancer Prevention & Control (CPC) Program of the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. Our faculty includes interdisciplinary experts with backgrounds in psychology, public health, health disparities, health services research, and basic science. Our program’s research spans from “cells to society,” including research examining biological (e.g., genetic, genomic) factors contributing to cancer risk, basic behavioral and clinical research aimed at addressing risk factors for cancer to prevent disease occurrence, screening and early detection research, and studies to inform policy.
Learn more about the CPC Program on their website.
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